Inquiry into the Continued Practice of Trokosi (Indentured Servitude) in Ghana: An Outlawed Culturo-Religious Practice
Continued existence, Ghana, inquiring, outlawed, religious practice and "˜Trokosi'.Abstract
Purpose: Ghana was the first country in the world to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and signatory to many anti-slavery international treaties. Clearly therefore, the practice of "˜Trokosi' where young virgin girls are sent to serve fetish priests as deity slaves in shrines in atonement for alleged sins of family members, violates the laws of Ghana. In particular, Section 314 (A) (1) (b) of the 1998 Ghana's Criminal Code Act, outlaws the practice, imposing severe punishment on offenders. This study investigates the lapses that have to do with the non- enforcement of the law.
Methodology: The study adopted a mixed design research approach that gathered data both qualitatively and quantitatively, using structured questionnaire instruments, in-depth interview guides, observation, and group discussions. The targeted population included shrine priests, ritual slaves and their relatives, community leaders and members, law enforcement agencies, government officials, security experts, legal practitioners, judges and non-governmental organizations from communities in the Volta Region of Ghana where the trokosi practice exists. Seventy-five (75) respondents with requisite knowledge in the study area and locations, were randomly and purposively sampled. Data which was textually, tabularly and graphically presented, was analyzed using Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS-21) software, within the interpretivist-constructivist paradigm.
Findings: Findings were the following: the enforcement of the law is inadequately effective; enforcement agencies many times fail to take action for cultural-related reasons; and out of fear, relatives and the public tend not to report cases of violation.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy (recommendations): The study recommends the following: a call for the recommitment of Ghanaian authorities to the fight against ritual enslavement; strict enforcement of the law where defaulting shrine priests are prosecuted and punished to serve as a deterrence; and public awareness education and campaigns should be intensified.
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