
  • Dennis Lazaro Londo




Migration, Diaspora, national development, Tanzania


As international migration is progressively increasing African countries are sending more of their citizens out of their countries. The Diaspora discussion is in equal measure gaining prominence within African governments. This study endeavors to review the available policies and initiative taken by the Tanzanian government to engage its Diaspora in home activities. The major argument in this study focuses on the performance of the policies set; are they successful or more has to be done? This study reviewed relevant literatures on the policies set by the Tanzanian government to engage its Diaspora in order to accomplish the purpose intended. Most of the Tanzanian Diaspora still feel there is much that needs to be done by their government to engage them in National Development. Their experiences suggest that they are not comfortable with the current existing policies and would urge the Tanzanian government to make adjustments where necessary. Findings from this study provide necessary information for the Tanzanian government to improve existing measures.


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How to Cite

Londo, D. L. (2020). MIGRATION AND THE DIASPORA: INVOLVEMENT OF THE TANZANIAN DIASPORA IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. American Journal of International Relations, 5(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajir.503


