The Mediation Effect of Competitive Advantage on Managerial Competencies-Financial Performance Nexus of Microfinance Institutions in Uganda
Microfinance Institutions, Mediation Effect, Managerial Competencies, Competitive Advantage, Financial Performance (JEL - G21)Abstract
Purpose: This study examined the mediating effect of competitive advantage in the relationship between managerial competencies and financial performance of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Uganda.
Materials and Methods: Adopting a cross-sectional design and a quantitative approach, the study covered 94 Ugandan microfinance institutions, which are members of the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Uganda (AMFIU) in all regions of Uganda. A sample size of 76 MFIs was utilized to collect questionnaire data. The mediating effect of competitive advantage was tested using Hierarchical regression while
Findings: The study established that competitive advantage partially mediates the relationship between managerial competencies and the financial performance of MFIs in Uganda. The study also concluded that MFIs that survive competition are only those that nourish their competitive strategies and refine their strategic direction, thus improving their financial performance.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommends MFIs design policies aimed at attracting competent managers with the relevant skills, knowledge, and abilities. Besides investment in physical capital, MFIs should devise deliberate competitive strategies aimed at enhancing their ability to develop attributes that allow them to outperform their competitors.
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