Fiscal and monetary variables, Inflation and unemployment, quantity theory of money, VECM and ARDL.Abstract
This study investigated the effect of insufficient currency in circulation on the rate of inflation and unemployment in Nigeria: The Buhari's Administration Experience; using annual time-series data ranging from 1985 to 2020. In achieving this task, the study was disaggregated into two models: model 1 utilizing Vector Error Correction Model to analyse the relationship between fiscal variables (government total expenditure, government tax revenue, and export) and unemployment rate. It was revealed from the unit root of Augmented Dickey-Fuller test that none of the (fiscal) variables was stationary at level, but they were all stationary after 1st Differencing. This made it necessary for the study to apply Johansen co-integration test which the estimated result indicated 1 co-integration equation as evidenced by Trace statistic. This also, necessitated the application of Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), and it was observed that it took 61.71% annual speed of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium from short-run disequilibrium for unemployment rate to return to equilibrium after a shock to fiscal variables. The results further explained that government total expenditure, and government tax revenue, had negative and insignificant impact on unemployment rate respectively, thereby reducing unemployment rate. Similarly, the estimated result indicated that export had positive impact on unemployment thereby increasing unemployment rate within the period under study. Similarly, in analysing monetary variables (money supply, exchange rate and prime lending rate) in model 2: Phillip-Peron unit root test was conducted and it was confirmed that the variables were of mixed order of integration which necessitated the employment of ARDL technique. The ARDL bounds testing result revealed that a long-run relationship existed between monetary variables, and inflation. It was found, in the long-run, that money supply caused inflation rate to rise. More so, the result further revealed that present level of exchange rate decelerated inflation rate in both long-run and short-run. While, it was further observed that the one-year lag and two-year lag of exchange rate increased rate of inflation in both log-run and short-run respectively. The estimated result further revealed that the present level of prime lending rate minimised the rate of inflation in the long-run and short-run. Whereas, similar results were further confirmed in the one-year lag and two-year lag that prime lending rate reduced inflation rate in both log-run and short-run. As a result of these findings, with respect to model 1; the study recommended that government should maintain the level of its expenditure and tax revenue as this reduced unemployment rate, and it should lower trade costs so that demand for labour would increase in the export industry, this would make aggregate unemployment rate to reduce. With respect to model 2; it recommended the adoption of contractionary monetary policy that would minimise the amount of money supply that caused long-run effect on inflation in the system. Furthermore, there should be proper maintenance of fixed exchange rate policy that will make exchange rate regime overcome non-military forces of demand and supply in exchange rate market, this will help maintain low rate of inflation.
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