An Analysis of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Sorghum-Pigeon Pea Flakes: A Case of Makueni and Busia Counties, Kenya
Willingness to pay, Sorghum-pigeon pea flakes/ Ready-to-Eat breakfast cerealsAbstract
Purpose: The study seeks to determine the level of awareness and the highest amount consumers were willing to pay by positioning the novel product ready-to eat-cereals for breakfast Sorghum-pigeon pea processed from locally grown crop.
Methodology: Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to assess consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for sorghum-pigeon pea flakes, which are Ready-to-Eat Cereals (RTEC). Three-stage sampling technique was used in selection of the two counties, and from each county three market places was identified. Glen sample size formula was used to obtain the total number of respondents, whereby a well semi-structured dichotomous questionnaire was used on 223 consumers from Makueni and Busia counties in Kenya. Double bounded logit model was employed in determining consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for SPPF.
Findings: Results from the WTP assessment showed that consumers in both counties were willing to pay for the Sorghum-Pigeon Pea Flakes. The average WTP value in Busia and Makueni Counties was 140 and 136 Kenya Shillings, respectively. Further, nearly half of the respondents in both counties were aware of the ready-to-eat breakfast cereal SPPF for nutritional improvement. According to the findings of the double-bounded logit regression, being male, marital status, awareness of SPPF, and living in Busia County all positively influenced WTP for SPP. Having formal employment and household expenditure, on the other hand, had a negative impact on the WTP for SPPF.
Recommendations: The study recommends nutritional training to raise awareness of the benefits of consuming SPP. Furthermore, policies should focus on raising awareness of the nutritional benefits of SPPF among families, particularly those in Makueni.
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