Climate Change Initiatives and Achievement of SDGS: A Paradoxical Analysis


  • Samar N. M. Al-Kindy Strathmore University Business School



Purpose: Climate change significantly threatens global sustainability, impacting ecosystems, economies, and societies. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations aim to address these challenges, with Climate Action (SDG 13) being central. However, there is a paradox in balancing climate change initiatives and achieving other SDGs, such as poverty eradication, zero hunger, and good health. This study explores this paradox through a comprehensive analysis incorporating real-time data and examples from Kenya. The study aims to analyse the complex interactions between climate action and other SDGs, emphasising the challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainable development.

Materials and Methods: The investigation utilises case studies and data from various sources, including government reports and international organisations, to examine the impact of climate change on poverty, food security, health, and urban sustainability.

Findings: Climate change exacerbates poverty by disrupting livelihoods and increasing natural disasters, significantly impacting Kenya's GDP. Initiatives such as the Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Program and climate-smart agriculture practices have been introduced to mitigate these effects. Additionally, climate change affects food security and health, necessitating integrated strategies like the TWENDE project and the Climate Change Adaptation to Protect Human Health project. Despite efforts, there are tensions between economic growth and environmental conservation. Therefore, effective adaptation measures are crucial to address climate impacts.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Investing in healthcare, sustainable agriculture, and resilient infrastructure is imperative. Prioritising vulnerable communities and addressing inequalities can enhance climate resilience. This publication highlights the need for a holistic approach that integrates social, economic, and environmental considerations to balance climate action with sustainable development. By addressing these complexities, policymakers can promote resilience and inclusivity, contributing to a more sustainable future.


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How to Cite

Al-Kindy, S. N. M. A.-K. (2025). Climate Change Initiatives and Achievement of SDGS: A Paradoxical Analysis. American Journal of Climatic Studies, 5(1), 1 – 9.


