Framing Femicide in Kenyan Online Print Media: Language, Imagery, and Major Narrative Strategies


  • Caroline Njoroge University of Maryland



Femicide, Media Framing, Gender-Based Violence


Purpose: This study aims to analyze the framing strategies employed by Kenyan online print media in their coverage of femicide cases, particularly focusing on the use of language, imagery, and major narrative structures.

Methodology: The research employs a qualitative case study approach utilizing thematic analysis to examine the framing of two high-profile femicide cases involving public figures. The data were collected from three major Kenyan online newspapers and analyzed to identify dominant frames and narrative strategies.

Findings: The study finds that the media predominantly frames femicide cases through sensational legal dramatization and focuses on high-profile individuals, which overshadows the gravity of the crimes and detracts from the victims' narratives. Gender disparities are evident, with female suspects often portrayed more sympathetically, reinforcing traditional gender roles and societal norms.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: This research contributes to framing theory by demonstrating how media frames influence public perceptions of femicide and gender-based violence. It calls for more balanced, victim-centered reporting in media practices to raise awareness and encourage gender-sensitive approaches in journalism. Additionally, it provides a foundation for future policy recommendations that advocate for gender-sensitive media training and collaboration with advocacy groups to address systemic gender violence.


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How to Cite

Njoroge, C. (2025). Framing Femicide in Kenyan Online Print Media: Language, Imagery, and Major Narrative Strategies. American Journal of Communication, 7(1), 16 – 29.


