Communication Strategies Used in Performance Contracting in the County Government of Nakuru, Kenya


  • Joe Miring'u Njoroge Post Graduate Student, Egerton University
  • Dr. Josphine Khaemba, PhD Lecturer, Egerton University
  • Dr. Lydia Mareri, PhD Lecturer, Egerton University



Communication Strategies, Performance Contracting, County Government


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the communication strategies used in the process of performance contracting for employees within the county government of Nakuru.

Materials and Methods: This study used mixed research design. This research design was appropriate for this study as data collected was both quantitative and qualitative. The target population was representatives of the different departments of the County Government of Nakuru employees working in the headquarters. The study population consisted of 656 members of staff working within the headquarters of Nakuru County Government. The study used stratified random sampling to sample 80 staff members working both the managerial and subordinate level of the departments within the county government of Nakuru headquarters. Primary information was used in the study. During data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed. Qualitative information was filtered and the main words in conversations tabulated for analysis using SPSS. Inferential statistics used visual tools such as graphs and pie charts to make inferences of the entire population.  Frequencies, mean and percentages were also used to summarize the data. This gave visual representation of the data collected.

Findings: Regression of coefficients showed that communication strategies used in the process of performance contracting had a positive and significant effect with productivity of Nakuru county government employees (β=0.691, p=0.000).

Conclusions: The study concluded that the county government of Nakuru frequently used emails, discussions, trainings as well as small meetings to communicate with the employees. However, the county government rarely used employee recognition and awards to communicate with their employees. Besides many other things the communication within the county helps the employees to perform their tasks well; to have information about the duties they have to perform, and about the goals of the organization. The study also concluded that communication strategies used in the process of performance contracting had a positive and significant effect with productivity of Nakuru county government employees.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The county government of Nakuru should develops its own media like a local radio station, publication or TV station as these could help improve strategic communications. In addition, the county government should introduce employee recognition and awards as a channel of effectively communicate with their employees.


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How to Cite

Njoroge, J. M. ., Khaemba, J. ., & Mareri, L. (2023). Communication Strategies Used in Performance Contracting in the County Government of Nakuru, Kenya. American Journal of Communication, 5(2), 1–13.